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Digitalisation - Advanced Tracking Technologies and their Benefits for DHL
Employer branding on corporate websites: A study of the logistics industry
Maximilian Zerfaß
- Objective:
The bachelor thesis illustrates the potential of employer branding on corporate
websites in the context of skills shortage and investigates the quality of employer
branding in the German logistics industry.
A literature review was performed to outline the theoretical foundations of
employer branding and online communication on corporate websites, and to identify quality criteria for employer branding on such platforms. These critera
were used to phrase six detailed research questions, and to construct a
codebook for a content analysis of corporate websites. An empirical analysis
was conducted for the 25 companies with the highest turnover in the German
logistics sector. Results are presented quantitatively (absolute scores; ranking;
mean values overall and for different dimensions) and qualitatively (best
The companies in the sample have integrated most employer branding elements on their websites, but there is a huge spread between competitors and between the different dimensions. The overall quality was rated as “acceptable” (1.5 ≤ x < 2.5 on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 to 4) or even worse for 72% of the
companies; only 28% performed “good” and no one was assessed “very good”.
The study shows that the German logistics industry has recognised the importance of employer branding. But companies are still struggling to communicate their employer value proposition in an appropriate way and to differentiate themselves from each other.
Employer branding, Corporate website, Quality, Human resource management
Analysis conception and realization of a web based application allowing to manage the tests of different endurance rooms of the Vaillant Group
Yannick zum Hingste
- Target:
The project’s target was to improve the transparency and efficiency of the management of endurance tests. This was to be achieved by implementing the workflow into an application which also had to interact with analytical software and the company’s Active Directory.
All relevant processes were discussed with the stakeholders and written down in a specification. The application was developed according the values of SCRUM.
The web application was developed in ASP.NET and interacts with a Microsoft SQL database. It provides three main categories: Demand a new test, view and modify tests and administration. Relevant data of other systems is obtained from files within the network and selectable from a drop-down menu by the users to link it to a certain test. Since the application is running within the company’s intranet, all users are automatically identified. However, a role-based access control authorizes defined groups to perform specific actions. Group assignments and further settings can be maintained in the application’s category administration.
Digitizing the workflow improved the transparency of the endurance tests. Tests’ settings and progresses can always be reviewed in the application. Thus, interactions happen immediately and do not necessarily require actions of further parties, improving the workflow’s efficiency. Therefore the initial targets have been achieved.
Methoden des modernen Software-Release-Managements im agilen Umfeld am Beispiel von Telefónica Germany Partner Services
Thomas Pehlke
Examination of a UMTS 900MHz Network inside an existingGSM 900MHz, 1800MHz and UMTS 2100MHz Network
Alexander Klett
- Planning and Bulding an UMTS 900MHz Network within an existing GSM 900MHz, GSM 1800MHz and UMTS 2100MHz network